Friday, March 2, 2007

Final SLC thoughts

The week is over. The teaching today didn't go too badly; we got done around 3 PM, an hour early. That's typical for this course. As for my impressions of SLC, I think Zach, the TA, summed it up best when he said, "This feels like a large suburb." Salt Lake really does feel that way. I'm personally not a suburb fan--I just find them all to be the same. They do have some nice things here: the Rockies, as per my earlier pictures, and the Mormon temple does look nice:

Where would I rank it? Unofficially, #11, below San Jose, above Buffalo.

Next trip is next week. I'm flying directly to Baltimore from here. Here's my itinerary:

US Airways flight 42 SLC-Phoenix 10:31 AM - 12:12 PM

US Airways flight 83 PHX-Baltimore 1:10 PM - 7:20 PM

I've been upgraded to first class on both flights. Yay!

Later, peeps!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How do you always get upgraded?!? That's awesome!! Everytime I flew for my job I was hoping to get upgraded and it only happened once on a short flight in Europe. Why couldn't it happen on those looong flights?