Saturday, June 14, 2008

JFK's having a bad day

JFK (the airport) is having a really bad day...apparently thunderstorms came in right when all the international flights arrived, and they've been diverted all over the place. By my count, Boston--almost 200 miles away--has gotten 14 of these flights, from all sorts of destinations, including Rochester (NY), San Fran, L.A., London, and even Seoul, South Korea (I wish I could've seen the Korean Air airplane at Logan!) Other airports that got flights appear to include Pittsburgh, Hartford, DC (Dulles), Providence, and Atlantic City, NJ (which doesn't even have commercial service!)

Man, I'm glad I don't have to use that airport!

Saturday, June 7, 2008


Greetings from Albuquerque! I just attended my 10th wedding since 2002:

1. Matt & Trina Patton (Sept. 2002)--the first of my friends to get married. They now have four kids.
2. Thang & Katie Tran (June 2003)--Reception was a 5 minute walk from my apartment.
3. Andrew & Allison Sommers (August 2004)--Andrew had been my roommate for 2 years.
4. John & Vieylana Kim (August 2004)--drove through a hurricane to get there.
5. Peter & Erin Krol (Sept. 2004)--drove through another hurricane to get there.
6. Jeff & Jenni Marner (Oct. 2005)--reception was at an Amish kitchen in Illinois. Yummmmm :-).
7. Gina & David Patten (July 2006)--spent an extra day in Chicago. Awesome.
8. Tom & Beth Gentry (March 2007)--Richmond, IN, and I barely knew anyone. But it was good to catch up with Tom & Val.
9. Jonathan & Becky Evenden (Nov. 2007)--the surprise of the century :-).
10. Greg & Valerie Mackey (June 2008)--Set a record for fewest people I knew at one of these weddings, two. Greg was one.

Wow--10 weddings, not counting the one I couldn't make when I was in Sweden and several other friends who have gotten married as well. I do admit I'd like it to be my turn soon, but we'll see what the Lord has planned. As of now, the next wedding I'm attending is my sister's wedding, next May.

Oh, you're wondering who the other person was at Greg's wedding that I knew? Nancy Parks, a former teacher & colleague at Parkland Community College in Champaign, IL! I knew she had moved here to Albuquerque, but I had no idea she knew Greg, so I was quite surprised when I saw her appear at the church. I finally got to meet her husband as well. They also kept the whole thing short...the ceremony started at 4, and the reception ended at 7:15. No dancing. I didn't complain :-). to figure out how to spend my free day here tomorrow!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Upcoming schedule

It's been a while, so here's my upcoming schedule...

June 6-9: In Albuquerque, NM at a friend's wedding. Congrats Greg!

June 19-20: Teaching Stateflow at a NASA contractor, Houston, TX. I'm staying an extra day to take the Johnson Space Center tour (I took the Kennedy Space Center tour in Florida last year.)

July 1-3: Teaching MATLAB & Signal Processing at Northrop Grumman in Rolling Meadows, IL. I taught there last year and had a lot of fun. To my Chicago-land friends, will you be around?

July 21-25: Teaching the Signal Processing courses in Toronto. Yay!

August 8: My 30th birthday! I don't know what I'll be doing, but it sure will NOT be training! :-)

August 18-22 & 25-29: Training somewhere (or much more likely, two different somewheres.) Don't know where yet.
