I just heard about the
bridge collapse in Minneapolis. I was just there two weeks ago, and was no more than 1500 feet from that bridge from some of my walking. Wow...I praise God that I wasn't there at this time, but I'm praying for the people affected by this. Wow.
Yeah I saw that story on the web today at about 3pm Japan time. Then at about 7 I turned on the news and thought I saw the the same story, only to find out that the exact some thing happen here in Japan. Crazy!
Wow, that is so scary! I saw that story first thing this morning. Not that we were alive, but do you remember hearing about the bridge in Ohio that crossed into West Virginia? Christmas shoppers plunged to their deaths in the icy Ohio river when the bridge collapsed. My mom and my uncle drove over it just a few hours before. *phew* Talk about the saving grace of God. We'll have to keep these people in our prayers for sure.
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