Found a SWEET new site recently:
The idea is you can put in all the flights you've ever been on, and FlightMemory will generate a map of where you've been (see above for my domestic map), and also statistics. So for me:
# flights 183
Total miles: 122,912
Earth Circumnavigation 4.94 x
Distance to the Moon 0.515 x
Distance to the Sun 0.0013 x
Longest Flight (distance):
3,943 mi, 7:33 h, Frankfurt (Rhein-Main) - Philadelphia, 11-22-2006
Shortest Flight:
55 mi, 0:36 h, Philadelphia - Allentown (Lehigh Valley International), 07-29-2006
Average Flight:
672 mi, 1:43 h
"Milestone" flights:
#1 PHL-MCO (Orlando, FL)--senior class trip in high school, 4/20/1996
#50 DTW-IND (Detroit to Indianapolis)--2nd half of a reroute after BOS-IND nonstop had been cancelled. Was going to Lafayette, IN to give a presentation at Purdue. 12/08/2004
#100 BOS-PHL--trip to Philly for work, 03/31/2006
#150 BOS-FRA (Frankfurt, Germany)--the first half of my flights to Sweden last year, 10/13/2006
So it took 8 years to get my first 50 flights, 15 months for the next 50, 6.5 for the next 50, and I should hit #200 by this summer. Talk about exponential growth!
Domestic 171
Intra-Continental 3
Intercontinental 4
Other flights 5
(Other includes intra-European flights.)
Top Ten Airports
1 BOS Boston 80
2 PHL Philadelphia 52
3 DTW Detroit 22
4 ORD Chicago 22
5 CLT Charlotte 16
6 DCA Washington 12
7 CMI Champaign 12
8 DEN Denver 10
9 LGA New York 9
10 PHX Phoenix 8
No real surprises, except that I hadn't realized I'd used O'Hare so often. In fact, with the top four being plagued by bad weather issues, it's no wonder people tell me I look like I'm over 30! :-)
Top Ten Airlines
1 US Airways 83
2 Northwest Airlines 27
3 United Airlines 19
4 American Airlines 12
5 America West Airlines 12
6 Delta Airlines 6
7 British Airways 4
8 AirTran 4
9 Continental Airlines 4
10 Air Canada 3
Not shown is any tie for 10th place; in my case, Lufthansa would also be 10th with 3 flights. No surprises there at all--I used to use Northwest when I lived in the Midwest, but now use US almost exclusively.
Top Ten Aircraft
1 Airbus 319 36
2 Boeing 737 34
3 Canadair 22
4 Airbus 320 20
5 Embraer 145 11
6 Saab 340 9
7 McDonnell Douglas-9 6
8 McDonnell Douglas-80 6
9 Boeing 757 6
10 Embraer 170 5
CRJs (Canadairs) are the 3rd highest plane type for me? I HATE those things!! I'd almost rather have a turboprop.
Booking classes:
Economy 151
First 32
Window 95
Middle 1
Aisle 87
Flight Purpose:
Personal 62
Business 121
So there you have it. Good stuff!
You're missing a very important airport from your list. It's knows as the Kansas City International Airport, or for the flying savvy like yourself, MCI! It's a great little airport, and I think I know someone who lives really close to there :) You should visit that person sometime, and it would be great, b\c you'd also add another airport to your extensive list!
i still have you beat. 150K... by the way, your map looks a lot like the ones they have in those in flight magazines (i.e. route map for major airline).
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