Thursday, March 1, 2007

The perils of teaching I'm trying to teach one of our most notoriously difficult courses, and I come up with what I think is a brilliant idea for the flow of a chapter that's a tough chapter to have a flow for. Of course, this idea was 5 minutes before teaching the section, but hey, improv is half the fun of teaching, at least for me.

Well, you can guess where this is going. The idea blows up in my face due to a bug in our product I wasn't aware of. So what should've taken 5 minutes took closer to 30, and I was already behind 30 minutes due to an extremely slow lunch restaurant. Plus, I got to finish the day by looking like a fool in front of 15 people. Now my confidence is shot, and I'm not looking forward to tomorrow, when I have to finish up the section.

Off to prepare...

1 comment:

Lauren Sheldon said...

Nothing like technology malfuntions to tear down our pride as teachers - I can soooo relate. Hope tomorrow goes better!! Keep smiling!